Net Zero 1:1 Support
Build a Net Zero strategy for your business
We’ve partnered with Lambeth to provide 4 hours of free, tailored support to help you understand your carbon footprint and build a plan to reduce it.

Why is Net Zero important for London businesses?
London has ambitious targets to fight climate change and become Net Zero carbon, zero pollution by 2030 and zero waste by 2050. Whilst progress is being made, we still have a long way to go to reach our goals. Smaller businesses account for around 50% of UK business-driven emissions, the same proportion as larger businesses*. To reach Net Zero, SMEs need to implement strategies to reduce our absolute emissions.
*British Business Bank, Smaller Businesses and their Transition to Net Zero.
This programme includes:
Carbon Footprint Measurement
Understand what makes up your carbon footprint and how to measure it.
Net Zero Planning
Start developing a plan to reduce the emissions caused by your business.

To take part, you will be:
Registered or operating within Lambeth
Ready for your business to work towards Net Zero goals
Able to commit up to 4 hours of 1:1 sessions over 3 months