Incubator updates: Meet Reevo

Rovco team, experts in offshore wind tech, smiling in a climate event selfie, embodying innovation & sustainability

Our partnership with The Ebico Trust has reached another exciting milestone as two companies progress to the third and final stage of our 2022/23 Ebico Affordable Warmth Incubator. Both teams have successfully pitched for investment from The Ebico Trust, which comes with an additional three months of venture development support from our team here at Sustainable Ventures.

One of the teams to successfully progress to this stage is Reevo. We caught up with co-founders Veronica & Josh to see how they’re getting on.

What’s the idea behind Reevo?

We were particularly interested in the issue of labour shortages within the construction and retrofit industry. The focus of Reevo is to tackle the lack of awareness and difficulties around accessing sustainable careers within the Built Environment.

So, how will it work?

Reevo will be a specialised career service which aims to simplify access to careers in the Built Environment. We will do this by facilitating connections between those seeking to join the industry and those looking to hire skilled workers.

What are your plans for the final phase of the incubator programme?

As part of this final stage of the Affordable Warmth Incubator, we are working to successfully develop an MVP in the form of a functional online platform. We’re also building out an employment network between potential employers and education providers, establishing official partnerships with education providers in the coming months.

How have you found the incubator so far?

The incubator has been an amazing opportunity which, without the help of the members of SV and partners, wouldn’t have been possible. The level of support and commitment has been outstanding and has inspired us to continue working towards making a difference and being able to contribute towards affordable warmth.


If you’d like to find out more about the incubator or our work at Sustainable Ventures, chat to our team.


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